Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Dress is In!

Today Jenny (my future sister-in-law) and I went to pick up my wedding dress! Just like the original shopping trip, the people who work and own Pebbles Bridal make for an excellent experience. The girl that helped me last time remembered me when I came in!

I worked with a different girl today and she was also really nice and helpful. I anticipated the trip to take 1-2 hours to try on the dress and all. It actually took more like 20-30 minutes. Mis-judgment on my part.

I tried on the dress and it fit perfectly and looked as beautiful as I remembered it. I was glad about that because, despite all my work, I felt like maybe I had gained wait since last time I was there. I have also been reading bridal magazines a lot and seen tons of other dresses wondering if I made the right choice. I'm now sure I did.

Jenny and I made a day out of the trip and went out for lunch at a place we knew Joey wouldn't enjoy. Then we went to Joey's Aunt's to store the dress.

Joey's Aunt Ellie agreed to store my dress for me in her house which is a relief because my apartment is hot and crowded with too much stuff (and some say the closet smells weird). Plus, there's always that chance that Joey will see it--and superstition says a big solid NO to that.

I can't wait to wear the dress again!


Nadine said...

how exciting! I am so looking forward to the wedding

Kathy said...

I can't wait to see you in that dress, either!