Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Workbook

The other day Joey and I went to Barnes and Noble after dinner. I happened upon the wedding planning section and sat there browsing through all the books. They have a lot of these planning workbooks that tell you what you should be doing each month up to the wedding date. But guess what? I found out that in the last two months I have done all the things you are supposed to do in the first three months AND I haven't even gotten to the first month of the twelve leading up to my wedding! Did you follow that?

We have secured our:

And have a lead on the:

I don't think we'll be going the video route because I can't really see myself watching it. Do any of you have wedding videos that you watch?

Unfortunately, I have started to have wedding nightmares--like the kind where you're sleeping and dream about things happening at the wedding. The latest nightmare was that the musicians playing in the ceremony were high-schoolers and cracking notes like crazy and playing horrible music that was too rocky for ceremonies. Luckily, I know that won't actually happen, but still it was a bad dream.

Joey and I had 0ne of our married couple friends over for dinner last night. It felt so grown up to be making dinner for people and having them come over as a couple to hang out with us. We just ate, chatted, and played a board game. I made some delicious lasagna from a book my Aunt Gun gave me as an engagement gift. The book is one of Ina Garten's from the food network, and when telling about this lasagna recipe she notes that she wanted to make a "lighter, healthier recipe" The thing is, there isn't really much healthy about this recipe. It has a lot of cheese and Italian sausage. I guess she used turkey Italian sausage, but that was hard to find so I used half chicken and half regular. Anyway, the dinner was fun.

I read a 1937 newspaper in the morning before the dinner and noticed that adults got together to play Parchese and cards and they were all dressed up for dinner. I'm glad I didn't have to dress up for dinner, but I'm glad we were able to play a game too just like the old days.


Kathy said...

Sounds like things are very well organized for this exciting event!

Unknown said...

hey there, stranger friend of jenny's.
my husband and i do have a video of our wedding that our friend did for us.
we watch it every so often and LOVE it.
its pretty cool to have actually.
ours was i don't know how much i would pay for one.

Jen said...

If you should change your mind and decide you want a note-cracking high school band, I can definitely hook you up! Are freshmen ok?

Bill said...

With just over a year to go...and all these things already done...sounds like it's time to focus on other things. The wedding is just ONE day. Always important to grow the relationship beyond the wedding planning.

Love, UB